You are obsessed…leave me alone!

My 1st book is really for teachers. I am a teacher; I love reading cute quotes and words of students; I love being motivated so that I can stay a teacher sooo it is fitting that my 1st book is directed towards people similar to me. (Don’t forget to sign up for the Giveaway!) Continue reading

Middle School versus High School Students

While playing on the internet today, I came across a blog post from Huffington Post: What My Students Think Make a Great Teacher. It was really interesting to see the differences between what these high school students say compared to what middle school students say in response to what a great teacher is. Continue reading

If You Write, You ARE a Writer.


I am a writer.  I write. On this blog. On children’s books. On the short story book that I am publishing next month. On a romance/suspense novella that I started last November during NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). I write so I consider myself a writer. Continue reading